Historic, Reformed, and Bible-believing Presbyterian Church
Midway Presbyterian Church, although over 160 years in existence, is a vibrant and living congregation that loves Christ and seeks to honor his inerrant Word in all of life.
Our worship is based on God’s Word and intends to give reverence and honor to him.
Our sermons and teaching ministries seek to open up his Word to us.
Our fellowship is based on the work of the Holy Spirit among us.
Our ministries are all intended to lead to maturity in Christ.
Our mission is to bear witness to Christ’s saving work and reach the lost.
As such, many visitors are seeking a church like Midway since we are:
committed to proven truths (not experimentation or fads);
eager to hold up God (not ourselves);
enthusiastic about being all that God wants us to be (not wishing to be stagnant);
unafraid of embracing the historic, classic faith of the Christian Church (not convinced that all trends are always right).
We extend a cordial welcome to all who visit us, regardless of age, race, or background. You are invited to join with us and benefit from a mature ministry to the whole family. Thank you for visiting and we hope this might become a church home for you. Welcome and God bless!
Keywords: Reformed
Traditional Worship
Expositional Preaching
Youth Group
Founders Movement